How far have newsrooms come in diversifying their staffs? Not far enough, journalist and Merrill teacher Anne Farris Rosen said Thursday.
Although the minority population in the U.S. reached about 38 percent in 2013, the minority workforce in the news business continues to trail that. Minority journalists make up only about 22 percent of the local TV news workforce, and only about 13 percent of the daily newspaper workforce, according to a 2015 report from the Pew Research Center.
How does minority representation in the newsroom affect the types of stories covered by the media-- and how they're reported?
Please comment, below, on stories involving race that you have seen in mainstream media outlets in recent weeks and months. How well have they been covered? How could they have been improved? Please be diplomatic, but specific, in your comments, which should be fact-based. Please give links to stories or studies you cite.
What most intrigued you or worried you about Rosen's talk? Be specific; give examples.
I'm looking for several well-reasoned and well-written paragraphs.