Thursday, July 24, 2014

Experiences This Week

This week we have experienced Google Glass and TV and radio journalism.

Google Glass is wearable technology in the form of glasses --  or some people like to say it is "Google on your face." Google Glass has raised a lot of questions about privacy, since there is no way of telling if someone wearing it is taking a picture or video.  Even though this is an issue to some, this technology can be very helpful to journalists, by allowing a journalist to go undercover and possibly be able to avoid injury in another country.

We also visited the radio station, WMUC, and the TV studio (for CNS-TV) on campus.  At the studio there were a lot of lessons learned about being on the air and having the mic and cameras on. At the radio station most of us were filled with joy when learning what the radio station at UMD does, and the opportunities students who work there get.

What was your favorite experience?

--NaDaija Barrow

Student Newsroom Codes of Ethics

Based on what you heard in class yesterday about professional codes of ethics, what points do you think should definitely go in your student newsroom code? Each group should bullet points in comments, below.

Possibility for Your Final Story

Please note:  I will allow coverage of this event today for your story due next Thursday. If you plan to attend this event in Knight Hall at 4 p.m. today -- please dress appropriately. It's a stellar lineup of professionals. I plan to attend this:

Thursday, July 24, in Knight Hall, 4-5 p.m., Room 1208:

Covering the Hot Topic:

  • Christine Brennan, sports columnist, USA Today Sports, former sports reporter for The Washington Post
  • Steve Haas, Former Capitals, Wizards and Nationals doctor
  • David Aldridge, NBA reporter, TNT
  • Peggy Engel, former reporter for The Washington Post and Des Moines Register, author and playwright

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Change in Plans for Tomorrow

Class, my apologies: The trip we had planned for tomorrow (Thursday) is a no-go. I will explain when I see you tomorrow. I am working with YS and USA Today to reschedule.

Please meet the regular time and place, and we'll pick up where we left off with the ethics groups. Then we'll move on to some other topics.

I'll send individual emails as well.

What Kind of Journalism do you like ?

Over the past couple of days we have been exposed to great advice about journalism and becoming enlightened about different types of journalism. So it made me think: Do you guys know what kind of journalism you want to be involved in? For me, I 'm still interested in print, but share with me if you're interested in being a radio host or a news anchor.

--Kayla Braithwaite

Google Glass

Hey guys! Today in class we got to experience Google Glass and how it works. I read a few articles and reviews on the tool and found out some really interesting information. I personally love the idea of Google Glass and believe it would be a spectacular device to use for everyone -- not just journalists -- if the privacy settings were changed. By simply having a way to notify people when they are being recorded or photographed and setting regulations for driving while using the glasses, they can be a beneficial tool to anyone who needs them.

After reading a Chicago Tribune article I learned how Glass could be of help even to paramedics.

According to, Google Glass received a 4.5 out of a 5-star rating.

After today's class and hands-on experience, do you agree more with the use of Google Glass or do you disagree for whatever reason?

--Taylor Jackson

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Name Game

Bands such as the Aphids that come to UMD's independent radio station, WMUC, to perform or record have been known to sign the walls. (Photo by Chris Harvey)

A Reminder About Control

CNS-TV Director Sue Kopen Katcef got animated in the control room when she reminded Young Scholars students that whenever they're wearing a mic, they should watch what they say. Broadcast reporters have suffered embarrassment and worse over comments broadcast accidentally -- when they thought controls were turned off. (Photo by Chris Harvey) 

Trying Out the Anchor Chair

Kayla Johnson of Prince George's County and Calvin Parker of Baltimore County await their cues to read from the teleprompter on the CNS-TV set at the University of Maryland. The news show is produced three nights a week during the school year by broadcast students enrolled in a six-credit capstone course. (Photo by Chris Harvey)

Post Your Pics from Today's Tours!

Class, did you take any good shots from today's tours of UMTV/CNS-TV or WMUC?

If so, feel free to post them under a separate post. Be sure to include a few sentences identifying folks in your pictures, describing a bit about the operations or what was happening, and adding your photo credit.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Women, Minorities in the Media Discussion

Class, what was your takeaway from this morning's discussion with Anne Farris Rosen on minorities and women in the newsroom?  Good news? Bad news? Scary news? Encouraging news?

Please leave your comments below this post.

Sports Journalism Workshops This Week!


George Solomon, a former sports editor at the Washington Post and the college's director of the  Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism, invites you to attend workshops at the college this week.

You may drop into afternoon sessions, as space permits. (Students who are registered in the program get priority seating.) Sessions will cover topics ranging from  sports broadcasting, to social media to multi-media and more.

A daily breakdown of the schedule is here:

Best, Chris