Friday, July 22, 2011

Our Class and Obama

With the surprise announcement this week that President Obama would be coming to the University of Maryland for a town hall talk, I decided to shift items around on our Intro to Mass Comm syllabus so that this talented group of high school students would have a shot at covering the event.

Because we were uncertain if we'd get any press credentials, 15 students in the class camped out overnight Wednesday night to get first-come, first-served admissions tickets distributed to the public. We were also able to secure two press passes from the White House -- for a blogger and a photographer. So nearly all of our students will be inside Ritchie Coliseum for the 11 a.m. event.

This morning, two students got up early to talk to the folks at the front of the line outside Ritchie Coliseum. We thought they might have some interesting things to say. We hope to post summaries of their conversations soon. After Obama's chat (which will be streamed live), we'll post some of his comments, comments from spectators and photos.

Check back in a bit for updates!

--Chris Harvey

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