Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Most Difficult Skill to Master

We have learned plenty of things within these three weeks -- from how to write a lead to Photoshop. Of all the lessons we have learned in this class, what did you find the most difficult to master? What was the easiest? Did you have any troubles at all? Explain your reasoning for each.

Personally for me making leads was the most difficult lesson. I'm still having trouble with them. In newspapers I've seen them short and simple and to the point. I never knew it was so much effort put into them. I'm still trying to figure out how to do it step by step.

--Toni Dixon


taylor said...

For me the hardest skill to master was the short writing. In regular english class we are taught to elaborate and explain what we mean, yet in journalism your'e taught to shorten and condense which is a lot harder for me to do. Photoshop wasn't that hard from what we did in yesterdays class but I'm sure any task that seems simple and easy at first can only get harder.

Kayla Braithwaite said...

The most difficult thing for me to learn was learning how to write leads the proper way and the easiest would have to be writing feature stories .I enjoy everything it was just learning how to write like a journalist was an obstacle I had to face.

Unknown said...

I find writing enticing leads to be difficult as well. We also talked about not nodding your head during an interview so it doesn't look like you're agreeing with what the interviewee is saying. I find this incredibly difficult. I just naturally nod my head as I listen to people talk.

Unknown said...

I find writing enticing leads to be difficult as well. We also talked about not nodding your head during an interview so it doesn't look like you're agreeing with what the interviewee is saying. I find this incredibly difficult. I just naturally nod my head as I listen to people talk.