Tuesday, July 15, 2008

When does satire become inappropriate?

The New Yorker's cover illustration in its most recent issue has attracted commentary and criticism because of its depiction of Sen. Barack Obama dressed as a Muslim, "fist-bumping his gun-toting wife." (The Washington Post, "It's Funny How Humor Is So Ticklish"). It sparks an interesting debate--whether the image is just playful satire or whether it will have an effect the liberal publication certainly doesn't want, a reason for voters to doubt Obama. Conservative talk-show hosts like Sean Hannity have started using the cover as confirmation that Obama is a terrorist, "the candidate of Hamas." Though Hannity and other right-wing organizations would certainly have continued their smear campaigns based on race regardless of the publication, the controversial depiction raises serious questions of taste and editorial responsibility.

See the Washington Post article.
See the cover image.


Pete Volk said...

It is a non-issue. The satire is poking fun at the Hannity's of the world who outrageously think that a fist bump that occurred between Barack and Michelle might mean that they are a terrorist, it is not poking fun at Obama. I thought it was funny, and if anybody should be offended by it, it should be Hannity and O'Reilly, because that is who is being made fun of here. Once again, however, it is a non-issue being blown way out of proportion just so the media has something to talk about, like the flag pin or Cindy McCain's cookie recipe.

Tierney said...

"Obama dressed as a Muslim, fist-bumping his gun-toting wife"
...this is copied verbatim from the Washington Post. You might want to site that.